Friday, October 06, 2006

Numbering game’s passé; it’s time for the ‘naming’ game, and then some more!

But then, why have strange sounding four-letter names... SLVR instead of Silver, RAZR instead of Razor and ROKR and COCKR in places of God knows what! “Consumers don’t look at these names in an abstract manner and therefore our four letter names are worked out accordingly to convey a message to consumers,” explains Mathias. Seems those guys out there did get the message. Or else why would Moto rave about its resounding success? Or why would other handset-makers latch on to the bandwagon? Why indeed!

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial

Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative

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