Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Independence and development are integral to prosperity

To overcome all these, Kosovo needs to focus equally on both internal favorable policy initiatives as well as good relations with other European and non-European countries. Yet, Kosovo seems to have lost its way down the road. One wonders for how long Kosovo can depend on external aid for its survival. One is then forced to wonder if Kosovo was better under Serbian rule. Likewise there are provinces in China, India, France and Spain, which have been waging armed struggle for 'independence'. Today, Chinese provinces like Zingjiang, Mongolia and Tibet are witnessing robust economic development and prosperity. Would they have witnessed the same as independent states? In India too, while states like J&K and some in northeast have been clamoring for politicla freedom, will they survive at all as independents? Likewise South Asia would have been a far more prosperous entity had India, Pakistan and Bangladesh been part of a unified nation. Today, inspite of shortage of skilled labour in Indian IT indiustry, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are denied visa to work here. It would have been a different situation in case of a South Asian Union like EU. Though development cannot be an alternative to freedom but a little tactical and cooperative move for common development can be fruitful instead of resentment and anger.....Continue

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